Scholastic Achievement

Scholastic Hockey League All Academic

York Hockey congratulates our players who have earned spots on the Scholastic Hockey League All-Academic team, as well as those who have achieved similar honors in the Illinois High School Hockey League.

Kudos to our outstanding players!


Jack Ciannella

Ben Dizillo

Drew Gami

Noah Hughes

Cole Maier

Andrew Papadopoulos

Tyler Peiffle

John Sanfilippo

Nicholas Sanfilippo

Ben Smith

Matthew Soehn

Evan Sun


Liam Brown

Ken Gallwas

Raymond Glorioso

Griffin Hayes

Justin Lococo

Will Loeser

JT Maffia

Charlie Malcolm

Keaton Nix

Sean O'Leary

Alex Pastircak

Drew Pettorelli

Anthony Pierotti

Danny Priebe

High Honor Roll JV WHITE


Bryan Boeckel

Leo Brandt

Ryan Cahill

Carson Forsberg

Cooper Forsberg

Alex Fuentes

Gavin Hart

Connor Hood

Mario Melone

Carter Nunemaker

Donovan O’Connor

Anthony Patrone

Connor Schenkenberg

Jayden Taylor

Drew Vogel

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